The scripture says: We walk by faith and not by sight. Well these words proved so true for the wife and I. As you may recall we were living in London England. After what was a long stay abroad, I was so very ready to return home to the USA. She; on the other hand, was listening to people who had many words to say and she was dragging her feet, she was unsure about moving. All the talk attacked her faith, which caused me to question mine. Although, upon our marital union we both agreed that we would live in the USA, she had never made a move that big before in her life and she was very scared. All of her words were filled with uncertainty, fear and doubt, naturally, this drove me crazy. I got so tired of people telling me about how America is; people who have never been to the west coast and much less lived where we were going to live. All the information seemed faithless and pessimistic towards my home, the good old USA. Of course, this upset me. I would tell her the truth, and others would tell her many things of which they knew nothing. Now a man can tell you that he hates it when his wife takes the side of others. It is unnatural for a man’s wife not to be at his side and I am sure a man who felt betrayed. If the wife is not at the side of the man, he sorely feels he can walk alone. We were arguing and fighting about this for months before the move. Yes, that is right, I said it, Christians fighting, it is shamefully true. When we should have been walking in faith, we were fighting. She waited until the last day of her visa-authorized day to fly out. To use an English axiom: “I was not best pleased.”
The night before we were to fly out we were arguing again and her parents heard about it. They came over to the flat at Amhurst Road, Hackney London. To their credit, they did not take sides. They listened and they prayed with us. I was very concerned about the job situation, being the recession and all. I had applied for a position while I was still in London as a CalTrans Electrician. It was a State job and seemed like a good position. Being a journeyman electrician, already I was not so much concerned with landing an electrician position at the journeyman’s level, as I was consistent employment. Further, I was apprehensive about applying for a job, which I had no experience; that of working on traffic management equipment and traffic lighting. She as a nurse, I knew she could find work. It was her attitude that I was concerned with: I wondered did she really have the “moxie” for this move to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Her parents were great. I am very blessed to have great in-laws. My father in-law said, “God can give you a job that you don’t qualify for and sustain you in it.” Those words were very reassuring and I see now that they were prophetic. So we prayed and then her parents left for home and we were there all alone. She in one room and I in another. I was trying to focus on what to do, but I had thoughts of anxiety and anger rolling in my mind: All the while knowing I needed to keep hold of peace and focus on the Spirit of Holiness. I was sweating. It was then that she walked in the room and said; The Lord gave her a word. Of course I thought, I am the Man of the house, why is the Lord talking to her. Where is the order? I notion; what is this word. So I decided to listen to see what the Lord had said. She said, “the Lord says: ‘sanctify yourself on today for I will show you great works on tomorrow.’” That was taken from Joshua 3 and 5. I chose to receive this word and we prayed together. Then suddenly it occurred to me to contact a friend to see if her spare room was available to rent. Upon contacting her directly that night, she said, yes the room is available, just come on. Well that was a relief we at least had a place to lodge. This eased my mind a bit. However, there were many uncertainties and everything was last minute.
So we boarded the airplane, a red Virgin Atlantic, at Heathrow. The flight was long and we were in the economy seats. I tried to rest my mind, but I was ensnarled with all the challenges I could see ahead. The seats were close and she had the widow seat I wanted. What the wife and I love about Virgin is the constant tea ritual and the British service. After 16 hours, we landed and I was eager to smell the sea air of San Francisco. Arising from her seat, she wanted to see if anyone had called her on her US cell phone that she had previously purchased. My reaction was; are you kidding? We have only arrived! But once again to my surprise God was working, there was a voice message waiting for her. In awe, I wondered who it could be.
While we were exiting the airplane, she listened to the message that a nurse recruiter wanted to talk to her. While we were walking down the concourse to pick up the luggage, the recruiter set up a telephonic interview with Highland Hospital in Oakland California. While sitting in the rental car she took the interview. While driving away from SFO she accepted the job and was given a start date. I must say, I was shocked at the “great works” done before my eyes. I was awed by our God! However, that was not the all of it, I had to go through a waiting period, an interview and medical evaluation all of which should convey times of nervousness and many prayers. I had to be patient and develop therein, but even though it took time, it was without delay that I had the job which I applied for in England, the very job I thought I did not qualify for, the exact job we prayed about, in the precise location we wanted. Other doors seemed closed but the one opportunity that we prayed about was opened and no one has shut it, it was the one I asked for, amazingly, God did it. Hallelujah, Lord Jesus, hallelujah!
Now we are on our feet, and I can continue writing these articles again. I pray that these writings of encouragement and enlightenment continue to bless you. This is my testimony and it is awesome! I had to choose faith and it was tough because I had to go through a maturation process of patiently waiting for my blessing. I had to choose divine love and I had to hold my peace. I followed the Living Spirit and I won the victory. Again I say: Hallelujah, Lord Jesus, hallelujah!
0Now we see the USA elections looming in November. I have to ask you; what choice are you going to make? Are you going to walk in faith or fear? After careful consideration, I have made up my mind. I am walking in faith. People all over the world are watching this presidential election. It is not just about America or Americans, but it is about the world. The direction and the freedom of the “Free World” follow in the steps of America. You know it was just this week, I saw in the news that a beautiful little girl, Malala Yousafzai was shot because she was thinking and talking “western.” She is a beautiful young lady full of wisdom beyond her years. She yearning for a free society where she can fully express herself and live out her life the way she chooses. She was shot by murders attempting to murder her, all because of her vocalizations of equality and human rights. What a shame before God these murders are, God will have his revenge. Oh what infamy this wonderful voice was shot: Oh what a blessing yet she lives. She was not killed and now her voice rings louder than ever all over the world! It is my prayer, that she continues to speak her mind and I pray the Lord protect her, amen. I consider: What the American forefathers put into place, the freedom of speech which allows me to communicate with you. Black Americans found freedom through freedom of speech. Liberty and free speech are of akin. Even voices I don’t agree with can communicate with me. This tolerance comes from an intellectual acceptance and a mature patience of others. I have learned that we should love one another. It is wonderful to have the feeling of free speech, which allows freethinking and change. We need the expression of free thought is needed in order to move forward. We see history and learn these lessons. The attempt to silence a voice for change by murder reminds me of the assignation of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. You can kill the messenger but not the message. Freedom will continue, it will come forth, others have heard and the movement is started. The esteemed lady said, “And Still We Rise.” The word of God teaches that these people who did this despicable act are the workers of inequity and they will not find peace.
Scripture says: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Saint John: 8-44.
We have to choose a leader who can reach out to the rest of the world. We have to have economic leadership true enough and that is an important aspect of presidential leadership but not the only criteria of leadership. The most important aspect of presidential leadership is where his vision is taking us and will the rest of the world follow us to this better place or as we Americans say, to a more perfect union. Shipping jobs overseas and outsourcing livelihoods is not the way for a president to lead. We must be aware of where we come from along our path or we will repeat the mistakes of the past. We must not wonder, like Israel did in the wilderness, but rather we plot a path to a better future together. We must remember or history both recent and long past, I for one don’t want to go back to the way of following greed and bankers stealing money ending in economic ruin. A country of 1%ers being catered to while the 99% suffer in a trickle down ideology. How much is a trickle anyway? America the rest of the world is watching. They will not follow elitist moving to greed and excess any more than I will. This is not the time to go backwards, rather let us move forward. I ask you, can we please go forward together? Lets not wander in fear and hate of one another, this world needs a shining beacon of love and freedom, America let us be that beacon. There is a new a brighter day on the horizon, look we can see the world changing, look we can see people loving one another and moving towards freedom, look free speech is on the loose, look the idea fair trade by way of good and fair commerce practice is rising. Industry here at home is increasing. Things are moving forward; let’s continue forward and the world will follow.
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