Wednesday, 24 August 2011

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

          The riots here in London England were quite bazaar as riots go. I walked around during the riots. I observed the people and took pictures. I noticed that there was a spirit attached to the people which produced the behavior that was like the person was possessed. When you looked into the eyes of the people as they walked, some were on edge, some seemed like they did not know what was going on, and some were just plain stunned by the behavior of everybody else. It was a mass behavior not unlike what is going on in the Middle East.
Taken in Hackney during the riots August, 2011
Walking around in this type of environment might make some squeamish but, of course I prayed beforehand and felt secure with my Father with me. The media portrayed the event as Black unrest because of economic disenfranchisement. True as that may be in some instances it was certainly not true for all. As I observed, there were people from various backgrounds. As the police investigated, this observation was found to be true.
     Mark Duggan with his first born child
Mark Duggan with girlfriend Semone Wilson  
On Omega Radio 104.1 a community based radio station in West London, where Luke Lewis the presenter or host of the show and I was there with a fellow guest Anthony Williams (his webpage) ( ). The week before the riots began on August, 2011 we discussed community problems and concerns. The callers were very emotional about the issue of the young people and their chances living in this society. The tipping point was the killing of Mark Duggan (29 years old) in Tottenham, London. We brought up the fact that we did not know truly what happen but, God does and we prayed together for God’s judgment to go forward about the situation. Again that was the Sunday before the riots when we prayed with the listeniers on the radio station.   Read more:

The power of the Holy Spirit went forth and caused a great movement in the spirit realm. We know that our God loveds justice and hates injustice. We did not know if Mark Duggan was guilty or innocent of the charged crimes but, one thing that we all agreed on was that he did not deserve to be shot down in the streets like an animal. So we prayed for resolution of this matter and for the truth to be known. Now it looks like the one policeman shot the other. It appears that Mark Duggan did not shoot anyone. The police investigation is not over but, as it is, there was much unrest and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon our prayers. There is still much injustice and I am glad that there is a shaking going on, so that men would repent of their sins and to let people know that the judgment day is not far away.   

There was asserted speculation that the rioting hand nothing to do with civil unrest due to the killing of this young man. Many said that they were criminals. Plane and simple hooligans, gange member, and loosers in society looking to get something for nothing. They even brought up John Enoch Powell, a well know anti-immigrationist. The man who brought out the Rivers of Blood speech. The social commentators were quick to say that these people who rioted need to be locked up for very long periods of time, and the book thrown at them,  much in the vane of Enoch Powell’s line of thought, of how the English are corrupted.

As it turns out nothing could be further from the truth!

The rioting in other areas of the world like Greece, Egypt and Libya and so on, are happening because the people are angry at the circumstances which the government puts them in: For example I site, the austerity measures taken towards the living standards of the working class people while the rich are living better than they ever did or at least very comfortable. Some of the worlds dictators have been robbing the people for years. Other governments take from the people and give to the rich, even the very super rich are not paying taxes. It is so obvious and the people are fed up with this robbery. So they act out. They riot and have civil disobedience. Just a few months ago the young people here in London rioted when the government raised university prices well beyond affordability.

When I looked at the looters robbing Colonel Gaddafi’s head quarters or homes in his plantation, It was the same spirit of discontent. This same spirit is sweeping the world. You can tell it is the same spirit because the behavior is very similar and the looks on the peoples are very similar.
Before all this started The Lord spoke to me and said that there was going to be a shaking (see archived article). The only way to stand against this shaking is to hold fast to the word of God and the Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit. A believer will have to put on the full armor of God (Eph 6) to be able to stand against this movement of this spirit.

Luke said on the radio, that he felt a spirit come over him during the rioting which tried to influence him to do things but he prayed and was able not to do those things which the spirit was leading him to do ( this holding on to the Holy Spirit of God). As for me, I felt this same impulse as I walke in and amoungst the rioters, wile I was in the riot I felt like confronting the police, but the word of God says no respect authority, so I fought to follow what the word says (this is holding on to the word of God). This Spirit movement is strong but not all consuming. One can fight it and overcome it. Like my answer to prayer said, the only things which can’t be shaken are the word of God and the Spirit of God, hold on to them.

Now some may ask about the people who were not affected by this spirit because they did not riot? It is not true that they were not affected, they were affected differently. They were either hit with anger because of the violence toward their personal property or another persons property. Either way there was effect. Their personal property might have been vandalized.  The convenient store they frequented may have been vandalized or damaged. The thought of what was going on in the country may have angered them. In fact once I realized what was going on in the Spirit realm I went home and tried not to let it bother me, to not think about the events which were going on just down the street from my flat. I tried to stay at peace. Then some young man jumped out of his car, picked up a bottle and broke the windshield on my car. I was affected.

Windscreen broken on my car for apparently no reason.
The behavior was meant to cause a reaction. The spirit is sent out to cause behavior so that judgments can be given. As these days grow more crazed and the shaking gets more intense this spirit will continue until men repent of their sins or they lose themselves. 
These events also have another root which will stem up to form a tree, spiritually speaking. In other words, the ground is being prepared for mind control and the Anti-Christ, the son of partition to come on the scene.
Did you know that scientists are experimenting with vibrations and low frequencies which lead to spiritual domination by occult means? Let me give you an example. I saw on the internet that a man who was about to die released the love frequency. This man, who was a so-called scientist, said that he got it from extraterrestrials during his research. We as Christians know that the word “extraterrestrial” is just another name for angels or angelic beings. As these fallen angels move to impose their will on the world with their followers obediently walking with them to destruction, they are using science to fool people and understandings which people are not knowledgeable about to attempt to cause their plans to be done. Consider this: Microwave energy and low frequency energy tied with spiritual energy for total mind control. That is a lot, but it is not as far feched as you may think. Just stay with me to the end of this article.
Upon reading this article about the love frequency I wanted to know more about it and what it was about. So I tried it. To search it one can simply do a Google search of 528 Hz. This is what the so-called love frequency sound like:   ( ). Now I warn you to be careful! What I have noticed is that when this frequency is activated the spirit realm is alerted. The first thing you will do is hear this unplesant frequency. At the same time I wondered what this frequency had to do with love. Not realizing, while listening my brain was open to the vibration, the sound entered my eairs and caused a resonance within my skull. Then I noticed a spirit entity enter the room from behind me. Upon noticing the spirit, I realized he was attempting to use the chemical reaction as a switch in my brain in an attempt to activate emotional thoughts without my knowledge. That is what this spirit was trying to do. However, I was wise to him because of the word of God, and the Spirit of the Lord: Praise God. I know (learned) that the battle for mankind is in the soul (thought, will and emotions) realm. I quickly turned off the sound and reflected on what happen. I did more research on this and found scientific foundation for this happening and my assessment was right on. Consider the following:
There are things in this world that may seem strange but facts are facts and the strange is real. It is truly hard for some people to believe in spirits and angels much less understand the science/spirit realm. Jesus said:
 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? Jesus asked in John 3: 11
          Salvation is truly a matter to believe and have faith in. This writing is on that order, the truth yet fantastically hard to understand and may be harder to believe must be researched. People need proof and I for one like proof to also. Speculation and conspiracy theories lead to no good end without actual evidence speculation goes on forever. In this writing I offer evidence. The thesis of this article is: Mind Control by Electronic Energy means. Sounds unreal? Well hold on to your hat because it is true and I can prove it to you.
          Let’s start where the idea was first put forward, with Nicola Tesla. At the time they called him mad, a crack pot. He was the guy who thought of the brushless electric motor and pushed alternating current as a viable source of energy. Looking back he does not look, so bazaar, as they thought then.

Nicoli Tesla

          Nikola Tesla (Serbian) was born in Hnkona Tecna 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943. He can be credited with such inventions as the induction motor, the Tesla coil, alternating current and the remote control. This website will give you a list of his US patents:
It would be good to take a minute and see what the man's history is. His many ideas proved fruitful. I did learn the history of the man because I am an electrician by trade and I have a great interest in electrics. Tesla got his idea, his first big invention, the brushless electric motor while walking along a path and reciting Foust, the part as Foust was making a deal with the devil ironically he recited the lines aloud and he thought of the brushless motor (the rotating magnetic field).  This information is in his biography.
World War II left Tesla aghast at all the death and destruction and he wanted to come up with a way to end wars. He had the idea of the Tesla Death Ray.   No to make a long story short, this death ray was the foundation of the so called “Star Wars” weapons put forth by Ronald Regan. The following is an article about the death ray system, back then called star wars, named after a popular movie.
Now having laid the ground for understanding the history of energy based weapons we can move to how energy can be used to control behavior. It is more than an interesting theory it is scientific fact. It is called HHARP. It is a weapon that makes ballistic missiles obsolete. Ballistic missiles are truly weapon of the past compared to energy based weapons. Energy weapons can control the mind, cause riots, cause earth quakes, control the weather, and knock flying objects out of the sky.

Riots and public disorder in Hackney, London.

After we prayed on the radio program I was watching and waiting to see what the Lord would do. I did not know that this spirit was about to be released. I can see how powerful energy based weapons can be when coupled with a spirit’s influence.  One can see how man is being manipulated by this energy. A person can be manipulated by a weak spirit under the strong power of these energy weapons, not to mention a strong spirit with a stronghold on an individual’s mind using this form of energy. I believe that his information is for the Saints, the elect, because the bible says that even the elect would be fooled if it were possible, he has fortold us everything (Matt 24:23-25). This writing is for those who have the understanding to receive it, and stand strong in faith against all that is going on all around them. While others are being influenced, you will know why and how things are happening. You won’t take any electronic chips in or on your body. You will watch what you listen to. Even watch what you look at on digital TVs.
          The bible says that the anti-Christ would cause everyone to receive a mark and bow down and worship him. I often wonder how this could be. The bible even says that the armies of the world would be gathered together to attack Jesus when he returns. That always sounded crazy to me. How could people be persuaded to attack Jesus? Knowing who Jesus is and to see him coming in the same manor that the prophets said he would, I often wondered how anyone could want to go to war against heaven. Only the devil and his fallen angels should attempt such a futile endeavor one would think. Now I believe: These people are being controlled by strong delusions.  The fallen angels will use certain men who are predisposed to them and using this energy technology (frequency and energy vibration) to induce behavior and control large amounts of the worlds populations. It sounds incredible but look for yourself and be the judge of it.
There was a guy; Lindsey Williams who warned that there was going to be a move by rich secret societies who are attempting to gain control of the world, and that there was going to be insurrection in the Middle East. He said, they were going to create war. He also said, in Asia (Japan) there was going to be a disaster (Fukushima). Now we see that the Middle East is going through revolution (produced by low frequency and spirit / mind control) and in Japan (the microwaves are sent a few miles under the earth where the water is, heating up the water producing large amounts of super heated steam, thus causing an earthquake). With this technology nuclear missile technology is old and obsolete. A new warfare is being developed. Energy warfare is on the sciene and most people are completely oblivious to it. I hope I have illustrated how powerful it is.  
It’s most powerful aspect is mind control. The anti-Christ with his workers is moving according to their plans right now. I remember the riots in Egypt, when it happened (as predicted by Pastor Lindsey Williams ( ) the announcer on TV said that there was no one person leading the insurrection, they said that the protesters were using facebook, blueberries and other media means to spread the word. Well that still does not explain how the people were caught up in the moment and brought about this political change on queue just like Lindsey said it would happen. It was a spirit operating with great strength I observed. I watched as this spirit moved across the globe to different countires and different peoples. It did not matter the nationaliyty the spirit moved and the people followed. There was an emotional trigger, usually money.
         I often wonder if the HAARP weapon is being used. Please check this out: 
this is a little more on the subject: and one more video
that is an interesting presentation:  528 Hz, the so-called love frequency as I stated before, is no love frequency at all. It is a trick: It tries to implant an emotion into the mind whereby the spirit may use the implanted emotion to cause a behavior. When I turned it on, I noticed that this sound summond a spirit, which uses this energy wave to inter the mind and gain a stronghold for control. I believe that this technology is also used in music, S-quad. Ever wonder why music which uses profane language, belittles and insults becomes popular and sells millions? It is not because the music is creative or the lyrics are good. There is another force or energy at work.  This S-quad or vibration frequencies, information has been known for a long time but largely ignored. We hear music and like the beat without fully listening to the words and more powerfully it is the words which influence behavior. TV also influences behavior.

         Energy based technology is being developed to work within the human phisology. People who are so-called psychics have for a long time known how to use energy or manipulate low frequency resonance energies which are naturally resonating within the body; to see, hear and connect with the eternal either (spirit realm) or they use the waves of energy vibrating all around us to a specific end. For example: doseing rods, and many other forms of energy work. This is not a study of energy work(s) and workers, it is a heads up for the Saints of God, so that we will look and know the devices of our enemy. Now human kind is developing Nicola Tesla's frequency technologies to manipulate frequency. In his day Tesla was thought to be crazy. Now his theories are understood better and are being developed and used. Now we see that crazy beings are developing this technology and it will only lead to a tragic end.
There is a convergence of technology and spiritual energies, which were heretofore considered unrelated and even off limits. Now they are being brought out. Low frequency energy:

Schumann Resonance ( SR) are a set low spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency ELF portion of the Earth
Frequency resonance=
 c = speed of light
 a = earth radius
n= resonant frequency
13Hz can cause death

         I and many of my Christian friends have notice that the churches are not teaching biblical Christianity, there is little to no discipleship training nor teachings in spiritual matters, or deliverance, nor how to truly live holy. I say, this is no accident. How could it be. We all read the same bible. Some even go to school and get advanced degrees in theology. Surely they must know the true history of the church?
The spiritual powers that are in control of a large number of the  churches are ungodly but the people are not educated enough in God to realize it and they were not taught to study the scriptures to learn truth from err. Let me ask you: Does your church teach deliverance or have deliverance services? I was at a church where the bishop called people up to testify as to how God has changed their lives. The people came forward. People testified how their lives were changed after they started coming to  church and learnd the ways of God. The bishop said that is the work of the church. I agree, the proof that a person has received the Holy Spirit; is a changed life. Unfourtunately there seems to be few of these types of churches.
 This is something that really bothers me: Why is the word Easter  used in the Christian church knowing the history of the word and not resurrection Sunday or Passover Sunday? Why don’t these so-called leaders that have doctor’s degrees in theology gained in educational instutions why don’t they teach the true history of the word Easter to the church? Surely they know the history and how important mentored discipleship is. Some of these leaders never spend time with any of the people much less have mass discipleship. I can only sumise that some of these people are controlled by sudicing spirits, ungodly spirits who crave or lust after money and use religion as a device to oppress and control.  The reason why I believe this is, they are deceived and go around being deceived, not teaching truth and not fulfilling the purpose of the Church. The Christian Church should teach holy living in the Holy Spirit, right thinking and self discipline as found in the word of God. Like the way Jesus did with the early disciples. In this way man won’t succumb to false and misleading spirits.  That is what the armor of God is about, us standing against spiritual entities which are attempting to control our minds.            
I believe that this mind control which I have spoke of at length is a plan tactic used by sudicing spiritsbecause these spirits know how strong emotional desires are in the human soul. The anti-Christ and his agents are going to attempt use this aforementioned technology in an attempt control the world’s population and try to get the whole world to turn against Jesus when he returns. As increadable as this essay sounds, the technology is already here to do just that. Look around and you will see that this is true. We have the antidote, the truth, the word of the living God. Jesus said his word is life and truth. It truly is and we have to hold on to it in our minds cause it will be the only thing that we can hold on to, other than the Holy Spirit living within us. Jesus in us is not going anywhere, but we have to keep the word of God alive in us and fresh on our minds because the days are evil and evil is stepping up powerfully so we had better be ready.