We see around the world disaster. Some man made, some predicted, some engineered and some repercussions of disaster. All over the world it seems there is an outbreak of people wanting to scream. The oppression and attempts to control the world only increases the shaking of the souls of the world hence the repercussions boom. Make no mistakes, booms are happening. When I closely looked at the explosion at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant: (see link for visual). When we look at this explosion closely we see first a cause. The earthquake was not the cause. Though the earthquake did cause damage, Japan was repaired for an earthquake. The building codes and structures were made with earthquakes in mind with great forethought. Men put their minds together and made ready for the eventualities. What they did not know, was, what they did not know. The earthquake generated a Tsunami. The Tsunami was a second explosion of nature that could not be foreseen. The wave of furry could not have been planned for. The speed which the title wave came, there was no time; it could not be out ran.
There were predictions and some bespoke plans which we heard tell about. We heard about the arousing of problems in the Middle East. We know the illuminate and these types of high cabals do make plans for there world control and conquest. We pray against them and we know they are already defeated. Our Lord will hang them by their own rope. We who can read the bible and do understand end-time prophesies and the changing of the age and which things are to come and seasons foretold to us by our Lord Jesus are ready and have confidence. We need understanding and compassion for those who have no knowledge of prophesies, and truth of things which are to come. As I heard it so bluntly stated, “Buda needs to be thrown in the ocean, Japan needs Jesus.” Those words are so true.
There is ignorance in the land in these last days: So few people know the words of our Lord Jesus. It is like what happen in Japan, men planed for what they knew but the other problems which came with this disaster were both unforeseen and unplanned and caused great damage even more than the earthquake.
The shaking, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, has been waiting and is now here. All has been plan. All is prepared. We have our lamps lit, we have our oil, even extra oil for our lamps, we have our wicks trimmed and we are looking while others sleep. We pray, looking at the season, look and pray.
When I think about the explosions at the reactor plants at Fukushima, I see first the concussion shockwave first hit and breached the walls. For a moment the building wall still stood even though we saw the shockwave outside the structure. Then the structure gave way and pieces flew everywhere. Then the radioactive dust and radioactive water vapor from the water use to cool down the reactor went up in the air blown by the northerly winds. All the while the Japanese government officials were telling the people to stay calm and all efforts were being taken. They did their best to keep the people calm and give the impression that the government had everything in control. Nothing could be further from the truth. Things were not in control. Events were in motion and who knew which way the pieces of Japan would fall. The economics, the religious, the social, the emotional parts of Japanese people all these parts of the people’s lives were up in the air and where they will fall, and the impacts are yet unknown. One thing is for sure what goes up must come down.
One of the pieces that people don’t consider is the Spiritual. The house will have a flood come against it and will it still stand? I think about the parable at the Sermon on the Mount. Lord Jesus taught us in his words:
Matthew 7
24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Jesus gave us a deep understanding, he told us to hear and do these sayings which he gave us. The truly wise will prepare. They will not only be hearers of the words of Lord Jesus but doers of the words. What about those who have no knowledge? Their Lives, I dare say, will resemble what has happen in Japan in recent days. Disaster, shaking, flooding, explosion, fires and maybe even a complete melt down. Shortages of food and water, prices going ever higher: It will happen before our eyes. Only the wise will be able to stand.
Be ready. Be wise. Pray and watch. Watch and pray. Stand, after doing all, stand. The shaking is not over. In prayer, my Lord asked me, Mark have you ever seen an earthquake in the teens, 17 points on the Richter scale? I said woo! That would be horrific! He said, you have not seen anything yet. I was shocked. I know there is much more to come. To all the Saints I say prepare yourselves to move because the bang is now and the boom is almost here. Today is like the time between the shockwave bang and the boom of pieces flying in the air. It is here and who was prepared? Who will be able to stand? What will be left after the dust settles?
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