Wednesday, 8 September 2010

What is going on?

This is a time for new thing beginning. As we build with wisdom and understanding like the master builder Jesus we know that at the beginning we need a foundation. We dig down in our souls to get the old stuff out. The old pyridines of business operating, success attainment and thinking about things need to be dug out and gotten rid of out of our souls. This is a new age: a new dispensation is coming and we have to be ready.

Pastor at church said, we can’t live on yesterday’s manna. He said we have to follow the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of smoke by day. He read from Hebrews 4, he said God in his creative power is doing a new thing.

That is what most of us have been feeling. Pushed or forced towards what unknown end we can not comprehend. Lots of us have not made a plan for our life, a written plan, like a business plan with time tables and return on investment. It is worth the time to sit down and order one’s life I have discovered. Often when we are trying to get the new day together we forget to throw away the junk from yesterday. It is too much clutter. The Spirit will encounter the clutter when he is trying to guide you to where He wants you to be. So open you hand, let out what you have and receive the new that is being given.

A lot of time we have to get rid of mental baggage we have been carrying. I have to change my way of thinking of how money is made. I used to only know: Get a job and work, get paid, spend money, go to work. I was happy because I could get what I wanted for my natural existence and some of the things were luxury items which felt good. Now that the entire earth’s economic systems are being shaken people are looking for something to grab hold of and if they grab hold of the old way they will slide down into the mire. The new birth which is pushing forward is where I plan to be. This is the information age.

God in his goodness will uphold us with his mighty Spirit. So this new creation which our mighty God is putting before us, in our awareness let us move and grove with his mighty hand in faith. This is the supernatural world which we live and have our being. Let us arrive at this new place with him. I guarantee that he is going to be there on time.

Now after we have dug deep and cleared out it is time to lay the foundation. What is it he is calling us to do? Prosper and prosper greatly. Our job is to influence this world and to usher in the Kingdom of God; which is the New Jerusalem. I sense a mighty movement of the Spirit of God. A lot of people just know that their later days will be better than their former days. It is just stuck in their spirit. That is why we know something it going to happen. We have prayed. We have believed we received. We walk and speak out our belief. We have followed the steps now we are just waiting for the manifestation. We have to remember what God said to us long ago. God said, “I changes not.” We can take him at his word. Ever notice God says powerful statements that grammar can not correct?

Pastor said, last week, to mix faith with actions. What that says to me is I have to get busy on my book and reading and writing, I have to get my blog up and in order. I am looking to get into a writing class to write better books. However, it is not about the books, it is about the kingdom. Spreading the word of the kingdom by whatever means provided. I feel like evangelism is calling. I pray the Lord show me.

The radio station, Omega 104.1 ( ) on Sunday morning 6am – 10am brother Luke (host) and myself (guest) are still speaking the truth and praying for people over in the Holy Ghost. Tune in and tell me what you think.

We are walking by faith. We see things happening. We follow the fire and smoke. We see entrepreneurship as the way to go, and not only see but, feel it to. So this is the road. We have to start building and gaining knowledge about business and self ownership of business and income.

The next segment of what is going on will be ready soon.

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