Saturday, 25 September 2010

The Times They Are Changing

The Times They Are Changing

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Today’s economic and financial events which are changing right before out eyes will create wealth and prosperity but, we will have to shift into another understanding to capture our wealth. Let’s consider a born winner.  The eagle flies high and rides the wind. He never goes hungry for long nor does any other match his vision which allows him to fly high out of sight and dive down and win the prey and escape back on high. Let us consider the actions of this successful bird as we think to create wealth.

The old idea of getting a stable job and staying there and being good at what you do is becoming passé. I remember when I first started my career as an aircraft mechanic (one of many) I thought that if I become the best A&P mechanic I would have a stable income for life. I put time and what resources I had into developing this career. I went to the best school I could find, San Francisco City College, was the best in my area for this. I felt it was a great move. My GPA was 3.50, my best ever. I graduated in 1997 as class president of the Aero Club. Little did I know that 9/11 was just around the corner and that there would be massive layoffs in the aircraft industry which the industry still to this date has not recovered from.

In San Francisco the big employer for the aircraft industry is United Airlines. The layoffs went back past 10 years of hiring. That means that in order to have new hiring United would have to hire back the 10 years worth of mechanics and then the new hires. That would surely take some time. That killed my opportunities. That was during the time I was considering the aircraft industry as a possible career. Well in my wisdom I looked around and being that I was in Silicon Valley, I thought the computer industry was the best place to be in. I studied software engineering thinking that intellectual design would not be outsourced and that hardware was not as interesting or as lucrative. Then the dot com bust! All that time and energy, I was studying day and night, learning computer languages, all that for nothing. I really was outdone.

Dazed and confused, I thought I had to do something so in 2004, I became an electrician. I thought that surely electricity and the wiring can not be out sourced nor could they hire someone from outside the U. S. to do the work. I found out that a lot of illegal aliens were doing non-union work and the union were very unfair and it was very difficult to get into the union. Never the less I endeavoured to make my way in the industry.

Well low-and-behold the construction slowdown hit in 2008 and has lasted. It may end soon but, this is not how a stable career is made.

I have come to the realization that the times, they are changing. To be middle class was the aim of many of us. It is not realistic anymore. Now it is either rich or poor. I plan on being among the rich, or go broke trying. My pastor Wayne Malcolm is an entrepreneur and he is willing to teach. This is his website  and he is a pastor dedicated to helping people and his church. I am blessed to be under his ministry and his anointing. I am currently learning to walk by faith and hearing the word of God; under an anointed entrepreneurial pastoral ministry is a blessing from my God. It is truly a supernatural word for me. This is life changing and if you want to know more about this please see the webpage.

He is talking about the supernatural shift of money like it happened in the bible with Joseph. He has a prophetic ministry. Pastor likes to say; you can be on the rock or under the rock. In one place it says:

                             1 Samuel 2:2 

 2 "There is no one holy like the LORD;
       there is no one besides you;
       there is no Rock like our God.
    And in another place it says:
                             Israel's Unbelief
 30What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31but Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, has not attained it. 32Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the "stumbling stone." 33As it is written:
   "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble
      and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
NIV Romans 9: 30-32

So by faith I move forward in this new understanding renewing my mind. I see and agree that the shifting economies and financial industries are being changed and the old ways are not going to work now. The idea of going to school and getting a good job may work for some – the middle class will shrink and by how much? Who really knows? It seems that we will always need some professionals? However, I bring to your attention that I thought that way before. I was wrong with my choices.

I will lay a foundation of knowledge and skill, using the internet believing that this is a necessary part of the information age. I know that the information age is going to be the way of the future and the new age, lets call it the age of the entrepreneur, it will be the internet where business and commerce will be conducted. It is mandatory that an excellent understanding and use of the computer and internet is essential; so this is our direction that we must put our efforts towards. Open our eyes Lord, amen.

If we get ahead of the curve we will make our way prosperous and do well but, only if we follow the supernatural word of God. The trick is to ride the trends like the eagle rides the wind to win the prey. One thing is for sure, inaction will win you nothing. I for one am going forward with this supernatural word which I have heard, will you come also?

                             Luke 6:48 

48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. NIV

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