Saturday, 27 September 2014

I Must Tell the World!


One night this week while in meditation, I heard the voice of the Lord telling me to read Joel 3 and I concentrated on verses 9 through and until the end of verse 21. Oh what a powerful message our Lord gave us.

Get Ready For War!


All you on the earth, gather your mighty and your weak, prepare for war! All you in the heavens the harvest is ripe! Come. Tread the winepress. The Lord's voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem.

The Prophets have spoke of this day. That it should come to pass. Now here in this day, the prophesy shall be seen, witnessed by all. O how great is our God. How great and mighty is our Lord.

The land of war is here, the decision must be made whose side are you on. The Almighty God and his son Lord Jesus or some other whom you know not. I command you spirit of Islam let the people go. You have deceived these people long enough and I command you: No More! Loose the people, let them go!

You who are in the land of killings and are the marauding ones, you who are doing the work of evil, I command the spirit of confusion upon you.

You who gather together in the name of the fallen angelic entities calling yourselves ISIS, know not that Israel left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea? Where was your god? Has or She he done anything like this for your people?

Can anyone count the many marvelous works which  the God of Israel, The Lord Almighty has done? Can you count them? Can any other god be compared? Can any be compared with you Lord God Almighty? Has your god shown mercy? Or are you hungry, hurting and wandering, all the time in distress wondering if you going to live or die?  Are you eyes forever searching for help, but none comes? Has your god delivered you? Although you cry out day and night there is no help in sight?

Has your god sent his only begotten son to die for your salvation?

I say repent: Turn to the Lord Jesus who is the Christ sent by the true and living God and be saved.
This is the warning that comes before destruction.

If you won't repent: War is upon you! Evil is arrived.
War is upon you and I say again: The Lord says, War!
Against that day who shall be able to stand!


Monday, 31 March 2014

The Thunder of His voice and The Whisper of His heart

There is a storm raging and we need to calm it. What do we do? There is spiritual warfare and we need victory. How do we win? There seems to be trouble on every side and no solutions. What do we do in these times? Maybe we ask: Is this some kind of Judgment against me? What did I do wrong?  We desperately whisper where is God. I need him. We look up for help, but there is none. Have you ever been through a storm? Maybe you are going through one right now?
Have you ever felt like there is no hope for your situation? Or perhaps you have had to go through a great ordeal? Have you ever wondered why your prayers are not being answered?
It is a troubling  time when everything seems out of control. Your universe is spinning chaotically. There is nothing solid to take hold. Thing are going bad in your life and there seems to be no answers in sight.  When the storm is raging. Waters are pounding against your ship and even worse, you look at the waters and they are overflowing into the your vessel from both the rain and the surf. Coming from above and below. Both the spiritual and the natural. What do you do?

Most people panic and then they pray. It seems, there are no human answers to your problems. After you have done all that you know to do and there are no answers in sight, it seems, if ever there were a time for panic, now is that time. So you pray fervently.

Have you ever been there? Being in an ocean of problems and no help in sight. Water coming into the ship and no one to help. Further, to make it worse, the ship is slowly going down and all you can do is splash around. Yes, panic sets in. You pray and the tears fall like the rain in the storm. Tears start rolling down your face as the pain rises from your soul, pain rises like the stormy sea. Overflowing feelings, out of control, anxiousness knots your stomach. Oh it continues, you look and see your hands shaking. 

The problems of life can get like this analogy of being in a mighty storm on a sinking ship. Sometimes it seem that everything is too much. You say, "I can't take it, there is no way out." Everything is getting worse and you ask in a panic stricken voice: "Where is my God?" We once heard that even the disciples ask, "Lord! don't you care?"

The answer is, "Yes." Of course he cares, even if it looks bad right now. At the moment the facts do look bad, but I ask you, can your faith change the facts? Now at this point you're  past all the religious clichés like: Send money and your blessing will be on its way; or maybe this one, turn around three times and the Lord will turn you situation around; how about this one, he never gives you more than you can handle so deal with it. To these quips you might retort: Well let me tell you, if I could handle it by myself I would never need to call on God; I would just fix it myself and that would be that. These are mouthing's you may have heard. Sayings that might work at another time but, right now you need solutions to these problems quick, fast and in a hurry! You don’t have time to be spiritual about it or meditate on it, after all this is a life and death situation. You need help right now!

There are many stories of people in the Bible about people who went through life and death situations and miraculously lived to tell about it. However, that was so long ago and this is today. Does our God still have the same eyesight one wonders? He might have gotten old age vision? Maybe he is getting too old and too short sighted? Can he even see my predicament?

You could stop and take the time to read the Bible, but the storm would still be raging in your life and even worse, more water would come into your vessel. Oh, what will you do? At this point you are yelling at the mountain and there is no movement. It seems like prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling and falling back down on your ears.

In the storm, in the trouble, in the thunder of his voice, I say stop and quiet yourself,  listen to our God he is speaking. First, find a quiet space. Find a place away from all the troubles. A place in your universe where there is stillness. Start in the physical world and find a still, quiet place where you can just be physically silent. Quiet your soul, let peace come over your mind. Hold your spirit and comfort him. I have read someplace that God will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him, because this person trust in the Lord he will keep this person at perfect peace. Find a place where you can relax; body, soul and spirit. A place, a sanctuary where you can meet Jesus. You can be alone with the Holy Ghost. In a high tower above the storm.
Maybe you need some music to change the atmosphere? Maybe you need to read the scriptures to meditate and focus your mind. Maybe you need tears to fall like the rain for cleansing your soul or maybe emotions will rise up like an ocean overflowing and just taking everything away and cleansing your world. What-so-ever the need: Find your place and just be still. Let you mind be still. Be at peace. Don't let your mind run wild with accusations and self pity. Find self-control. Stay peaceful. Find a place in your heart and release gratefulness and then rest therein, rest in that place of gratefulness to the Lord.

After a while, open your mouth with praise, slow down and just worship the creator of your universes. Invite our King of Glory into your existence, wait he will come and fill you. You will feel him enter into your quieted spirit: Your quiet space, the place of rest. Invite Jesus, he will come and sit with you in this quiet, still and peaceful place. Don't let your mind run away from your inner-spirit, stay together, nor run from the Holy Spirit stay in communion. Unite spirit to Spirit. Stay and sit with the Holy Spirit. Spend quality time there. He said that you are worthy. He said that he would be with you in the time of trouble. He said that in him you are more than a conqueror. So be still and know that you're with the Lord, God Almighty, after-all he is truly the Lord of all.

Once you have found this place, don't get complicated. Communion is simple and peaceful. Spirit to Spirit. Keep it simple. If you need to ask your questions: Wait for the right time to ask. Then wait for your answers! Wait I say, wait in that quiet place. Wait on the Lord and enjoy the moments of sweet Communion with the creator. When he comes he always brings healing. He always brings comfort and much more. So just relax and let him be God and give you what you need. Receive it, feel it, let it flow throughout your universes. Relax and let you mind be at still waters. Jesus will lead you to that place of still waters where he has made provisions. Ask him for rest.
Here is the question: "Lord please lead me to the green pastures which you promised." That may not look like a question, but it is. It is a question of direction and placement. It is a question of covenant. It is a question of his word being made real, here on earth as it is in heaven. It is a question of being quiet in faith and waiting for your Lord to speak: Shalom. You King, your Father, our Holy Spirit, will lead you.  He will talk to you.   

 Do you journal? Then journal. Do you vibrate? Then vibrate. Find the frequency of the Holy Spirit and just stay there: In him. Resonate. Vibrate. Meditate.

Noah was in a great storm. He trusted in the Lord. Noah went through, to go through. He found a new and better world waiting on the other side of the storm.

All the examples in the bible have a common theme. Did Joseph stay in the pit? Did Daniel stay in the lion's den? Did the three boys stay in the fire? Did Jesus stay in the grave? No they all went through, to go through. They all had great ordeals and gained great victories which brought great glory to God. Keep this in mind: What I am going through will pass and on the other side of this, my great ordeal, things will be greatly better. My blessing is just on the other side of this storm all I have to do is hold out. Remember; the greater the ordeal, the greater the praise: To God be the glory. I will praise the Lord.

I remind you of the story of Noah. When the rain was over, Noah had to find the right time to leave the ark. It only rained for forty days and forty nights. It was 150 days before the waters were abated. Then after another forty day he opened the window.  Noah sent forth a raven. Why? Ravens are scavengers and there must have been a lot of dead rotting things. Can you imagine the amount of dead carcasses the raven had? Did the raven return to the ark? What did the raven's behavior tell Noah? Ask the Spirit.

How many times did Noah release the dove from the ark? Didn't he wait seven days each time before he released the dove again?. Each time, the dove's actions told Noah something? What was it? Noah found his way by observing the actions of the dove. At the right time, the dove's actions proved Noah's way.
Be like Noah; understand your circumstances and learn exactly when to step out. He observed the actions of the dove, whereas you follow the directions of the Holy Spirit. Let the Spirit do his work, wait in the ark until the Spirit is finish. Keep your mind stayed on Jesus, stay in his' peace.  The dove returned with an olive branch. We know as New Testament believers that the olive branch is part of the olive tree and olive oil represents the anointing. The Spirit comes with an anointed path, a chosen path. Follow the dove and step out of the ark when the dove leads. As the dove's actions directed Noah to leave the ark so let the Holy Spirit's acts, signs and wonders show you the right time to step out. Only then should you leave the ark. Don't follow the leading of the raven, follow the dove.


Remember Noah built an alter to the Lord and  Noah gave the Lord a sacrifice, a sweet smelling savor. We New Testament believers know that we build an alter of praise and let our worship rise up unto the Lord as a sweet smelling savor. Let the Lord's heart be changed, praise him, let love flow like rain, praise him. Make the atmosphere change, deluge him with adoring praise. Praise until the overflow comes. Let the worship rise like a sea of emotional worship. Praise him and touch his heart.

 Now you might ask: Why should I do this? After all, I am out of the storm and I got what I needed. Well, for one reason, your gratefulness can be expressed. You can thank him for his deliverance. Secondly, some people keep going through the same mess over and over again because they don't remember who delivered them. They don't remember what it took for them to get past the storm nor do they honor the passage created for them to cross over to the new experience so consequently they repeat the ordeal. Don't forget what God had to do to get you through. Thirdly, remembering where the blessing came from touches the Lord's heart and more importantly, we pray that we don't have to go through another experience like this again cause next time we might not make it. Maybe the Lord will put a type of rainbow over you as a sign of remembrance? Maybe a crown will be laid up for you someplace? A memento, a reminder, a keepsake, a symbol of this ordeal.  A symbol that you’re an over-comer.

Therefore, go forth, be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth; in this, newly created passage, by faith go through into your new life experience, which he has created especially for you. Always remember: He kept his worshiper.